Hey there!
     I am told I am an old man. My daddy says I am 13, but vet records say 10. My dad had me since I was an 8 week old puppy. We lived off grid in Idaho. First he had to have one leg amputated, and recently the second one. So, he could no longer care for me. He and Kim talk often about me, keeping in touch is important.
     I want a family of my own, I love kids, am pretty good with most other dogs, especially the smaller ones. I am house trained, walk well on a leash (even better if you have a cane or wheel chair!). I like going for walks, sometimes short, sometimes long. Car rides and exploring my area are fun! I have some toys I chew occasionally , love good treats and my supplements. I am a big boy but really gentle.  
     I do occasionally get into trouble by opening the food container. It seems to taste better in the bag. And I will let you know when you are late with taking me or meals. I do talk alot.
    When I meet someone, I like to bark a greeting, lean on you a bit and get some booty scratches. I am very affectionate and like to get lots in return. LOL I talk alot and will bark if left alone, even for a few min, but I settle down quickly.
     Kim and my foster will be extremely picky about my new home and will require Kim to visit once in a while. I want to be in the country so I can explore on my own a bit. I am quite active and playful. ​

Contact Kim, PinkPawRescueSociety@gmail.com or call 406-848-5252     Come and get me!