Natasha imageNatasha imageNatasha image


My name is Natasha and I am 8 weeks old so I don't know much of the world. I know my mom and dad and that my siblings are gone now. I heard they were adopted, and I need to be adopted too. I asked my dad what that meant and he said it means that someone will come and take me to their house to be their dog. They will love me, feed me good things and make sure I am safe. I also got told I will be vaccinated, which means shots to protect me from nasty germs and diseases that can make me very sick. Whew! that was a lot to learn at one time.
But let me tell you about me. I live in Montana and saw my first snow. It was fun to run in but cold. Dad said my paws would get more furry maybe and protect me from the cold. My dog daddy is a mix of German Shepherd and Great Pyrenees, but is not big. My mom is Border Collie and Pit Bull mix. I think look more like me, but I put their pic on here and will let you decide. I am told I am a typical puppy, all energy that does not where to go or what to do, so I get told NO a lot. I am learning that means to stop what I am doing. But I get right back in trouble again when I do something else. I need someone to help me learn how to be a good dog, to sit, stay, come when called, to leave it and to get out (but why would I need to get out anything except trouble.??? I am told I am very cute and even cuter when I am sleeping on my space.
I would love to have some kids to play with, maybe that will help me a good girl as I would play with them and take a nap when done.
There will be some things that will go with me so I feel less scared at my new home.

Please look at my pictures , mom and dad are the last one, and see how cute and loving I am. I can hardly wait to start a new life with someone soon!